....e poi ti capita di conversare con gli abitanti di Quarto mentre sei in giro ad innaffiare e a recuperare i bulbi di tulipano per l'anno prossimo.
Alcuni spunti di conversazione sono ormai collaudati.
Ad esempio, mentre annaffiavo l'aiuola della Discarica Abusiva, una persona si avvicina con un carrello della spesa ingombro di rifiuti.
"Ah, ma la tua e' proprio una passione!"
"Un'ossessione, piu' che altro", rispondo schernendomi.
E allora gli spiego che la mia speranza e' che i maleducati la smettano di lasciare a terra rifiuti ingombranti che....
"....voglio dire, dovranno pur portare con una macchina o un furgone, no? E allora perche' non arrivare qualche chilometro piu' in la' e portarli alla discarica autorizzata?"
"....voglio dire, dovranno pur portare con una macchina o un furgone, no? E allora perche' non arrivare qualche chilometro piu' in la' e portarli alla discarica autorizzata?"
E questo abitante, continuando diligentemente a differenziare i propri rifiuti nei cassonetti, mi dice che....
"Eh pero' la discarica ha orari strani, mica e' aperta tutti i giorni con orari da ufficio comunale. Questo indispone, poi magari la trovi chiusa e non puoi nemmeno lasciare li' i rifiuti che c'e' la telecamera e ti tocca riportarli a casa....."
Non capendo se la sua fosse una giustificazione o una critica al sistema, ho in parte annuito, in parte dissentito, cercando di far leva sullo spirito civico che ognuno di noi dovrebbe avere.
La fine della storia e' tragicomica.
Mentre dava pienamente ragione a me e del maleducato a chi abbandona i rifiuti fuori dai cassonetti, ha depositato alla base degli stessi un vecchio armadietto di legno e se n'e' andato, salutandomi.
Mentre dava pienamente ragione a me e del maleducato a chi abbandona i rifiuti fuori dai cassonetti, ha depositato alla base degli stessi un vecchio armadietto di legno e se n'e' andato, salutandomi.
La buona educazione e' richiesta solo agli altri.
Terminando il giro, sono passato davanti alla mia ultima fatica: il Muro del Pianto.
In quel momento, un signore suonava al citofono della fabbrica.
Gia' questo mi ha stupito: io non sapevo nemmeno che qualcuno ci mettesse ancora piede.
Gia' questo mi ha stupito: io non sapevo nemmeno che qualcuno ci mettesse ancora piede.
Chiedendomi, poi, se avevo messo io i gelsomini, alla mia risposta ha detto:
"Magari, la prossima volta, una citofonata.... su una proprieta' privata....".
"Magari, la prossima volta, una citofonata.... su una proprieta' privata....".
Seconda sorpresa: io pensavo fosse suolo pubblico.
"Si', lo so" ha aggiunto "ho letto che l'ha scritto sul sito".
Terza sorpresa: mai avrei immaginato che qualcuno si facesse venire la curiosita' di leggere il blog partendo dai miei cartelluzzi.
Al mio evidente imbarazzo e alla mia proposta, nel caso, di rimuovere tutto con tante scuse, mi ha detto di lasciare tutto come sta, augurandomi che le piante crescano bene.
La mia piu' recondita speranza, e' che questa persona gentile si prenda cura dei gelsomini.
Ecco due facce opposte della stessa medaglia: una persona che si lamenta del comportamento altrui, ma poi si comporta egualmente in maniera discutibile; l'altra, che - invece di farti i complimenti e di ringraziarti immediatamente, come di solito capita - ti rimprovera, ma poi finisce con l'incoraggiarti e con l'augurare alle piante buona fortuna.
Voi cosa dite: quale, dei due incontri, mi ha fatto piu' piacere?
PS: la quarta sorpresa e' stato scoprire che il signore della fabbrica e' il custode che vive li', quando avrei mai pensato che quello stabile fosse ancora abitato o frequentato da esseri viventi diversi dai corvi.
PPS: ho amaramente constatato, per l'ennesima volta, che nessuno bagna mai i vasi davanti la chiesa. Mi sorprende che, tra i mille volontari che bazzicano la parrocchia per le piu' ammirevoli opere di solidarieta', non uno abbia avuto la prontezza di prendere un innaffiatoio in mano.
Mio suocero, che spesso prende parte alla manutenzione del prato o all'allestimento del gazebo per la festa del paese, mi aveva avvisato: finche' quei vasi sono stati ignorati, nessuno ha mai avuto da ridire, ma quando ci ho messo le mani, ecco che sono state sollevate obiezioni incongrue.
Come, ad esempio, accorgersi solo adesso che i rami residui degli arbusti seccatisi mille anni fa e potati sommariamente, potevano essere pericolosi per i bambini.
Da qui, la richiesta a mio suocero di svuotare i vasi.
Lui, che pure mi prende sempre in giro per la mia ossessione, ma che in realta' appoggia quel che sto facendo, ha tagliato con una tronchese gli spuntoni legnosi, livellandoli al terreno.
Al sicuro i bambini, al sicuro i miei fiori!
Avere alleati in famiglia, rende tutto piu' semplice.
.... and then you happen to converse with the inhabitants of Quarto Inferiore during a watering mission.
Some food for conversation are tested.
For example, while I was watering the flower bed of Operation "Illegal dump", a man approached me pushing a shopping cart full of junk.
"Yours is a passion!"
"An obsession, indeed" I replied, kidding.
And then I told him that my hope is that people, seeing the flowers, could give up to abandon bulky waste on the ground....
" ....I mean , they will surely carry it with a car or a van, right? Then why the hell don't go to the authorized landfill just two miles away?"
And this inhabitant, continuing diligently to differentiate his waste in the bins, told me that....
"Oh yes, but the landfill has odd hours, it's not open every day with times of municipal office. So you happen to find it closed and you cannot even leave waste just outside 'cause there's the camera and so you have to bring everything to home...."
I'll be honest: I didn't understand if it was a justification or a criticism of the system, so I nodded trying to appeal to civic education that each of us should have.
The end of this story is tragicomic.
While giving quite right to me and deprecating anyone who abandons junk out of the bins, he left an old wooden cupboard next to the bins and he went away, greeting me.
Good manners are required only to others.
Dejected, I went to water the plants of my last effort: the Wailing Wall .
At that very moment, a man was ringing the intercom of the factory.
That has surprised me: I did not even know that someone still sets foot there.
He asked me if the jasmine plants were a work of mine and when I said yes, he replied:
"Maybe next time, buzz the intercom. It's a private property".
Second surprise: I thought it was public land.
"Yes, I know" he added "I read that you wrote it on your website".
Third surprise: I never imagined that someone could really read my blog starting from my signs.
When, embaressed, I proposed to remove all, he told me to let everything as it is, wishing good luck to the plants.
My greatest hope is that this kind person will take care of the jasmine.
Here are two opposite faces of the same coin: a person who complains about the behavior of others, but then behaves in questionable manner, and the other one, who - instead of to congratulate you and to thank you immediately, as usually happens - rebukes you, but then ends up to encourage you and to wish good luck to your plants.
What do you think: which of the two meetings pleased me more?
PS: I bitterly proved, for the umpteenth time, that no one ever waters the pots in front of the church. I am surprised that among the thousands of volunteers who haunt the parish for the most admirable works of charity, not one has had the readiness to take a watering can in his hand.
My father in law, who often takes part in lawn maintenance or setting up the gazebo to the annual party of the village, had warned me: until those pots have been ignored, no one has ever had to say anything, but when I put my hands on them, someone complained about it.
For example, they realized just now that the branches of the shrubs dried out thousand years ago and roughly pruned, could be dangerous for children.
From here, the request to my father in law to empty the pots.
He, who always mocks me for my obsession, (but who supports what I do), he pruned to the gound the spikes.
Safe the children, safe my flowers!
Having allies in the family, it makes everything more simple.
Come, ad esempio, accorgersi solo adesso che i rami residui degli arbusti seccatisi mille anni fa e potati sommariamente, potevano essere pericolosi per i bambini.
Da qui, la richiesta a mio suocero di svuotare i vasi.
Lui, che pure mi prende sempre in giro per la mia ossessione, ma che in realta' appoggia quel che sto facendo, ha tagliato con una tronchese gli spuntoni legnosi, livellandoli al terreno.
Al sicuro i bambini, al sicuro i miei fiori!
Avere alleati in famiglia, rende tutto piu' semplice.
.... and then you happen to converse with the inhabitants of Quarto Inferiore during a watering mission.
Some food for conversation are tested.
For example, while I was watering the flower bed of Operation "Illegal dump", a man approached me pushing a shopping cart full of junk.
"Yours is a passion!"
"An obsession, indeed" I replied, kidding.
And then I told him that my hope is that people, seeing the flowers, could give up to abandon bulky waste on the ground....
" ....I mean , they will surely carry it with a car or a van, right? Then why the hell don't go to the authorized landfill just two miles away?"
And this inhabitant, continuing diligently to differentiate his waste in the bins, told me that....
"Oh yes, but the landfill has odd hours, it's not open every day with times of municipal office. So you happen to find it closed and you cannot even leave waste just outside 'cause there's the camera and so you have to bring everything to home...."
I'll be honest: I didn't understand if it was a justification or a criticism of the system, so I nodded trying to appeal to civic education that each of us should have.
The end of this story is tragicomic.
While giving quite right to me and deprecating anyone who abandons junk out of the bins, he left an old wooden cupboard next to the bins and he went away, greeting me.
Good manners are required only to others.
Dejected, I went to water the plants of my last effort: the Wailing Wall .
At that very moment, a man was ringing the intercom of the factory.
That has surprised me: I did not even know that someone still sets foot there.
He asked me if the jasmine plants were a work of mine and when I said yes, he replied:
"Maybe next time, buzz the intercom. It's a private property".
Second surprise: I thought it was public land.
"Yes, I know" he added "I read that you wrote it on your website".
Third surprise: I never imagined that someone could really read my blog starting from my signs.
When, embaressed, I proposed to remove all, he told me to let everything as it is, wishing good luck to the plants.
My greatest hope is that this kind person will take care of the jasmine.
Here are two opposite faces of the same coin: a person who complains about the behavior of others, but then behaves in questionable manner, and the other one, who - instead of to congratulate you and to thank you immediately, as usually happens - rebukes you, but then ends up to encourage you and to wish good luck to your plants.
What do you think: which of the two meetings pleased me more?
PS: I bitterly proved, for the umpteenth time, that no one ever waters the pots in front of the church. I am surprised that among the thousands of volunteers who haunt the parish for the most admirable works of charity, not one has had the readiness to take a watering can in his hand.
My father in law, who often takes part in lawn maintenance or setting up the gazebo to the annual party of the village, had warned me: until those pots have been ignored, no one has ever had to say anything, but when I put my hands on them, someone complained about it.
For example, they realized just now that the branches of the shrubs dried out thousand years ago and roughly pruned, could be dangerous for children.
From here, the request to my father in law to empty the pots.
He, who always mocks me for my obsession, (but who supports what I do), he pruned to the gound the spikes.
Safe the children, safe my flowers!
Having allies in the family, it makes everything more simple.
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